Begin End Len Format Field Name Description
1 8 8 MMDDCCYY Report Date The effective date of the information provided which is the first day of the calendar month which ends the related collection period.  All loans that have been securitized prior to the Report Date will be included in the file.
10 17 8 X(8) Pool Number The pool number for the AMBS security.
19 27 9 X(9) Pool CUSIP The cusip number for the AMBS security.
29 36 8 MMDDCCYY Pool Issue Date The pool issue date for the AMBS security.
38 46 9 9(9) Loan Identifier The unique identifier of each loan.
48 58 11 9(9)V99 Principal Balance The ending scheduled principal balance as of the last pool payment date
60 64 5 99V999  {as a %} Loan Coupon The rate at which interest will accrue after the last pool payment date
66 70 5 99V999  {as a %} Loan Net Coupon The Loan Coupon less all administrative fees.
72 72 1 9 ARM Flag 1=FRM; 2=ARM
74 82 9 9(7)V99 P &  I Amount The scheduled principal and interest amount due for future installments
84 85 2 99 Interest Payment Frequency The number of months between scheduled interest payments (1, 3, 6 or 12)
87 94 8 MMDDCCYY First Interest Payment Date The first due date on which an interest payment is due
96 97 2 99 Principal Payment Frequency The number of months between scheduled principal payments (1, 3, 6 or 12)
99 106 8 MMDDCCYY First Principal Payment Date The first due date on which a principal payment is due
108 116 9 9(7)V99 Fixed Principal Payment Amount In the case of a fixed principal payment loan the value will be greater than zero.
118 125 8 MMDDCCYY Loan Maturity Date The date on which the last scheduled installment is due (which may be earlier than the stated maturity date if partial prepayments have occurred)
127 134 8 MMDDCCYY Loan Remaining Amortization Date The date on which the last scheduled installment would be due to fully amortize the loan (which may be later than the Loan Maturity Date)
136 138 3 999 Loan  Age The value for each loan is calculated as the number of months (including partial months) between the origination date of the loan and the latest installment date.
140 142 3 999 ARM Index 050 : 1 year CMT(1),  051 : 3 year CMT, 052 : 5 year CMT
144 146 3 999 Interest Reset Frequency Months between interest rate reset dates, e.g. 12, 36, 60, etc. (1)
148 155 8 MMDDCCYY First Reset Date The first interest rate reset date(1)
157 161 5 99V999  {as a %} Loan Margin The margin from which the Loan Coupon is determined.(1)
163 167 5 99V999  {as a %}  Loan Inc Adj Cap The maximum amount the Loan Coupon may increase or decrease on an adjustment date(1).
169 173 5 99V999  {as a %} Loan Coupon Floor The lifetime minimum Loan Coupon(1).  A value of zero indicates no floor.
175 179 5 99V999  {as a %} Loan Coupon Ceiling The lifetime maximum Loan Coupon(1).  A value of one indicates no floor.
181 181 1 9 Yield Maintenance Flag Whether a yield maintenance amount is required: 1=Yes, 2 = No.
183 190 8 MMDDCCYY Yield Maintenance Expiration Date The date after which a yield maintenance amount will not be due with a prepayment (if applicable)
192 193 2 XX State The state in which the mortgaged property is located